Therapy Services

Mrs. Jones is a Cognitive-Behavioral therapist who practices Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which is recognized as an empirically validated treatment modality that allows for more effective and shorter treatment timeframes when in conjunction with identified goals, an individualized treatment plan, and a collaborative approach.
Mrs. Jones integrates this model through a virtual platform that allows for greater accessibility and flexibility. After each appointment, the client receives a customized "homework assignment" based on where a client is at that time and what has been identified as the next most helpful step in accordance with the goals of the overall treatment plan. Subsequent appointments are designed to identify what is working and/or what the client has noticed that is keeping him/her stuck then collaboratively targeting that element.
Services are provided for adult individuals and include, but are not limited to the following types of traumatic experiences:

  • Abuse including sexual, verbal, mental, emotional and physical whether in childhood or adulthood
  • A life-threatening/altering diagnosis such as cancer, covid-19, autoimmune disorders, and more
  • Death including suicide of a loved one
  • Divorce
  • Intermittent or regular exposure to life and death situations
  • Abandonment, rejection
  • Betrayal and infidelity
  • Loss of job, home, way of life
  • Lost opportunities and unresolved losses
  • Relocation
  • Toxic home and work environments
  • Pet loss
  • Accidents and natural disasters
  • Animal attack
  • Crime victimization
  • Indirect/second-hand exposure to violence and/or harm or threats of harm to others
  • Acculturation
  • Any experience that has resulted in life disrupted or feeling stuck


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Virtual Appointments Available Throughout Texas


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